Surprise Surprise!
I always love the look of surprise when a new concussion client gets up off the table and we have successfully resolved one or more (usually more) symptoms. I always ask the same line “So, how do you feel?”. Then the moment comes….”I feel….better!” This particular client was a teenager with 3 weeks of post concussion syndrome.
Yesssss. My favourite moment. I have been doing this for a while now and I always get excited when a concussion clears. For early intervention, many symptoms are gone within the week but I always follow up with a second session – just for good measure. I had one client text me when he cleared his final RTP stage. I was having a particularly challenging day and his text literally MADE MY DAY. He was cleared to play 7 days after his initial hit.
Do you have a concussion? Be sure to REST! Full cognitive and physical rest is so important. Concussion Resolution is a safe and effective way to eradicate symptoms early on and is a perfect complement to current medical protocols. Proper treatment gets you back in the game, faster!
I genuinely LOVE what I do:)