Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Concussion Recovery Protocol ™?

The Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ (CRP) is an approach to treating concussion symptoms rooted in The Bowen Technique. The term was coined by Craig Mattimoe in 1996 when he began using Bowen Therapy in a specific way to achieve exceptional results with varsity football athletes. As his first direct mentee, I have been using this approach along with other modalities to create a system over the past 20 years that I use exclusively when treating athletes with concussion symptoms. Brynn has joined the team in June of 2024 and has been successfully using the CRP since 2014.

The Concussion Recovery Protocol is the basis of the work I do with those with persistent post concussion symptoms.

Is your approach backed by research?
How long is a treatment visit?
How many Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ sessions are needed?
Can you diagnose my concussion?
I'm currently under the care of a neurologist and/or Physiotherapist, will this treatment interfere with that?
I have a young child that has been injured. Is this safe for children?
How soon after my concussion should I book an appointment?
What can I expect during an appointment?

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