Velox Rugby Club Testimonials
I had so much fun offering concussion recovery services to the Velox Rugby Club (changed to Westshore RFC) in Saanich, BC for the 2013/2014 season. My son joined this rugby club in 2012 and played with them for 3 years and my daughter played rugby in high school for 2 years as well. Both my children are adults now but I am a still a proud rugby mom and I always loved working with the players!
Date of Concussion: Sept. 28. Had a headache for about 4 days, didn't receive treatment. Played again on Oct. 16 or so and received a small tap on the head and brought back the symptoms and they were about twice as bad as the symptoms from the original concussion. Received two treatments a week apart. The first one didn't seem to do much but the second really helped and I felt noticeably better. No more headaches. The treatment is definitely different but it definitely had an effect that second time. Would recommend trying it out. Kieran Dunford, Velox Valhallians
"Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, difficulty balancing, light sensitivity, confusion, disorientation, memory, and difficulty focusing attention. I had my symptoms for about three and half month before I was recommended to see Jenna. After the first treatment I felt clearer. Felt less Foggy. (This was an instant mood changer). I am so grateful that I found Jenna; the Bowen treatment has done wonders for me. I feel so much better than I did before. I would recommend for people to see Jenna when they have an injury. She is easy to talk to, which is great! My concussion has been an ongoing battle that I could have never overcome without Jenna; as a full time student, I was unable to miss classes due to my injury and Jenna was very supportive and came up with ways to help me cope with the stress of everyday school. I was unable to read for the first two month of my semester with the weekly Bowen we were able to get me back to my normal learning behaviors. Overall I never would have been as far along with my recovery without this amazing treatment, I am very appreciative for all of Jenna’s hard work." Jessie Wallace, Velox RFC
"What symptoms were you experiencing prior to treatment and for how long? 4 weeks. On and off headaches; unable to push myself 100% at practice let alone in game. How many treatments did you have in total? How long did it take for your symptoms to resolve? Big results after my first treatment played a game a few days later and saw a dramatic improvement. After the second and third treatments, I was back at 100%. I had 3 treatments in total. Would you recommend Jenna for the treatment of concussions symptoms? I wouldn't only recommend Jenna for concussion symptoms, but any nagging injuries that are bothering you, or anything that is keeping you off that 100% feeling, she gets the job done; I had an over-trained Achilles tendon, and after one treatment I no longer have to tape it. Any other comments? Wish I went to Jenna sooner; waiting around for my symptoms to dissipate was silly. If I had just went and got this dealt with week of my concussion (which was recommended to me!) I would of been back playing a lot sooner. Don’t hesitate, go see Jenna.” Cory Walker, Velox RFC Academy
Date of concussion: October 22, 2013. My symptoms were headaches and fogginess for 2 weeks. The symptoms were resolved after 2 treatments. After each treatment I felt much more cognitive and my headaches subsided after the initial treatment and then were gone after the second treatment, I found it very helpful to my over all well being. Kelsey O, Velox Women's Rugby, Flanker Age: 25
What symptoms were you experiencing prior to treatment and for how long? 6 days. Headaches, Nausea, blurred vision. How many treatments did you have in total? 2 How long did it take for your symptoms to resolve? 5 (the time between 2 sessions) Would you recommend Jenna for the treatment of concussions symptoms? Yes, her service works great. After one session I saw a remarkable and immediate improvement in the level of physical and mental strain I was experiencing. I was able to achieve better physical and mental function without having any negative side effects. I would recommend Jenna's service to athletes of any sport who have received head injuries and especially students as it will help you return to your studies sooner. Mat Kelly, Velox Rugby Club
I had headaches and dizziness for about 3 weeks after my concussion. I had one Bowen Therapy session and my symptoms resolved within about 12 hours. I, of course, would recommend Jenna. Tyler Carter, Velox Rugby Club
For 3-4 weeks I had concussion symptoms: headaches/pressure and dizziness. These symptoms resolved after the first session (within 24 hours). I would recommend Jenna and Bowen Therapy and will be returning if I receive another concussion. Daniel Dennis, Velox Rugby Club