Saanich Braves (now Saanich Predators)  Junior B Hockey Team Testimonials

During the 2012/2013 and 2013-2014 seasons I have had the pleasure of working with the Saanich Braves Junior B Hockey Team. What a great organization to be involved with! I will be forever grateful as this was my entry to opening my practice here in Victoria shortly after I moved from Toronto. This is where I met Brynn, who now after all these years I am so happy to be working closely with after opening my second office location in Burnaby, BC. How quickly time flies!

I have had a great time getting to know the owners, admin staff, coaching staff, trainers and of course the players.

For confidentiality purposes, some players' names will not be disclosed.

Name: Brad Cook - Head Coach

I have experienced many treatments from Jenna and have experienced outstanding results. As an ex-pro athlete, my experience (with Jenna) has been very positive. After treatments, I feel very relaxed, full body rejuvenation. For everyday body ailments and minor injuries, Jenna can give you a real sense of body awareness to know when something is wrong.  The most impressive thing for me has been her ability to treat more serious issues, such as concussions. Her education, training and expertise has been a real asset to my players this season.  I would always recommend Jenna.

Name: Brynn Bicknell - Head Student Athletic Therapist 2012/2013

 Over the course of the 2012/2013 season, I have watched Jenna treat the athletes of the Saanich Braves Jr B hockey team, where I am the head student Athletic Therapist. One of my players went completely unconscious in a game, the only injury being a medically diagnosed concussion. His symptoms included headaches, neck pain, inability to concentrate, groggy, fatigue, didn't feel like himself and sensitivity to sound/light. I made an appointment for him to see Jenna for the next day. He claimed that most of his symptoms were gone post treatment. Just 3 days post concussion his symptoms were reduced to headaches with loud noises and just not quite feeling back to normal after which he had a follow up session with Jenna. After one week of treatment he was completely symptom free. He started his return to play protocol just 5 days after his concussion, which was quite debilitating.

Another player I had referred to Jenna had an acromioclavicular separation. He was unable to lift his arm more than shoulder height for 2 weeks, when he was seeing physiotherapists, and massage therapists. I recommended him to see Jenna for her shoulder treatments. Three days later when I saw him again his range of motion was about 95% of what it was before the injury.

In regards to my personal experience with Jenna, I saw Jenna for 3 sessions to address chronic neck tension along with two more sessions throughout the year for follow ups. I found immediate relief, and I felt completely relaxed after each session. Jenna found that the chronic neck tension was derived from my coccyx and sacrum. After my treatments, I found that I had fewer headaches and that I felt clearer overall. There is no way to explain what it feels like, but that you feel completely relaxed.I have and would recommend Jenna for the treatment of concussion symptoms and other sport related injuries.

Name: Tara Ashwell - Head Student Athletic Therapist 2013/2014

 I have had many sessions to treat various issues including: neck, jaw, headaches, knees and ankles.  I found Jenna to be relaxing and professional and the majority of my problems disappeared after being treated. Jenna is very easy to work with for a team. I knew I could send athletes from the team to her for any injury including concussions and we would see results. If the athletes were given exercises to do, she would let me  know and I could follow up with them to ensure the desired results were achieved.

I saw Jenna for the following injuries: groin, rhomboids, lower back, neck and wrist. I had a positive benefit after 3 sessions.  I also saw Jenna for the treatment of concussion. My symptoms prior to treatment were: headaches, dizziness, black dots in vision. I experienced symptoms for 1.5 weeks. I received 2 treatments and my symptoms were resolved in 1 week. I would recommend Jenna for the treatment of both concussion and non concussion related injuries.  Tanner McGaw - Saanich Braves - Goalie, Head Student Athletic Therapist 2014/2015

I saw Jenna for a shoulder dislocation and had a positive benefit after just one treatment. I would recommend Jenna's services to other athletes.  Name not disclosed

My name is Justin Polischuk, last season I suited up for the Saanich Braves Junior Hockey club. On December 16, 2012 I was diagnosed with a concussion after a game in Campbell River, I was dizzy, seeing stars, and had a consistent headache. 2 days later I saw Jenna Howe for  a Bowen Therapy treatment, and 3 days post treatment my symptoms had mostly subsided.  During the follow up session a day later I was feeling good, and on December 23, 2012 I passed my RTP. Because of Jenna and Bowen Therapy I was able to return to not only normal life, but back to training at a high level, and back to playing hockey at the level I want. I have been symptom free ever since and sincerely believe that Jenna’s use of Bowen Therapy had a lot to do with that.   Justin Polischuk - Saanich Braves

On Oct.26, 2013, I took a puck to the jaw and was knocked unconscious. My symptoms were: severe headaches, vision problems,trouble concentrating, and bad sensitivity to light.The day after my concussion, I went to see Jenna for a Bowen treatment. After the first session I immediately felt better, which lasted for a few hours. I had a follow up session with Jenna one week later and I continued to feel better and better.  I was back on the ice within a week and a half of my initial injury. It was honestly quite an experience. I thought that my season was potentially in jeopardy, but I recovered rapidly and it's largely due to the treatment i received. Jenna also worked on hip and and thigh issues I had throughout the season and it always helped.    Garett Kemmler - Saanich Braves - Defense

I experienced concussion symptoms for 2.5 weeks before I saw Jenna. My symptoms were headache, nausea, fatigue and a sore neck. I had 3 sessions total. I would recommend Jenna, it was very helpful in relieving neck and head pain post concussion.   Tom Dakers - Saanich Braves

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