Concussion Therapy Course - Online Classes

Jenna Howe is a wellness clinic owner and instructor, and offers post concussion therapy course online for practitioners.

Are you a Bowen Therapist or other healthcare practitioner who is currently or planning on working with patients with post concussion syndrome?

This module based course designed to provide you with important information necessary for those who are co managing concussion patients.

We will be reviewing case studies, discussing acute vs. chronic cases, when to refer to other professionals and to whom.

Having a comprehensive understanding of what your patients are experiencing along with the tools to support them in their healing process is essential when working with this demographic.

Although this class is designed with the Bowen Practitioner in mind, all holistic/adjunct/complementary health care professionals are welcome.

Brynn Bicknell Headshot

“As an RMT, Yoga Therapist and Holistic Practitioner, this course was a perfect adjunct to support my clients. To understand what is going on both acutely and long term, as well as how to test and approach my clients in a new and supportive way has been invaluable!! I’ve had multiple clients go from daily headaches and nausea to becoming asymptomatic after 2-3 sessions!”

-Mandi Mack, RMT, Calgary, AB