Getting Good Treatment For A Concussion

Current PCS Diagnosis & Treatment Protocol

The current medical treatment for Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS) is, well, no treatment per say. Recent recommendations are early diagnosis and prevention of another concussion. The Concussion In Sport Group recommends a structured rehab program. When all symptoms are clear then the player can begin a gradual progression of exercise. Each person progresses at their own rate of recovery so it cannot be determined exactly how long this process will take.
CIS recommended steps for rehabilitation:

  • No screens for 48 hours
  • Light aerobic activity
  • Sport specific training (running for soccer, skating for hockey, etc.)
  • Non contact training drills
  • Medical clearance and then full contact training

Game play

Athletes can proceed to the next stage when they can complete one step without any recurrence of symptoms. If concussion symptoms occur, the athlete should drop down a level and try again 24 hrs later. Generally, the athletic trainer and doctor work together through the rehabilitation protocol. Each stage requires 24 hours rest before moving up a level.

What is the role of the Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ (or any other form of therapy) in the treatment of a concussion?

The role of a therapist in the treatment of concussion symptoms is just that - treating the symptoms of concussions with the purpose of getting you or your child healthy and safely back in the game.

The diagnosis and the Return to Work/School/Play is completed by a medical professional. The use of non medical treatment in the meantime helps the body along during its ongoing process of healing.

Many people recover in a couple days but should still stay off the field and training circuit for an additional week to be sure all symptoms have fully cleared. Some protocols automatically keep you out of the game for a month (depending on level of concussion) and then another week on top for good measure.

What if your symptoms are continuing beyond 7 days? You could be missing school, work, and many other things. The CRP quickly and efficiently and speeds up the process of recovery. It's safe and compliments all other allopathic interventions.

Still have questions? Check out our FAQs page or Connect with Jenna Howe and her associates in Victoria and Burnaby.

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