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Acute Concussion Treatment in Victoria and Burnaby, BC

Our wellness clinic, located on McKenzie Ave in Victoria BC, offers acute post concussion treatment to help you feel better faster, and Return To Play or work. We've recently expanded to Burnaby, conveniently located on Henning Dr. across from the Gilmore Skytrain station.

Left untreated, most concussions will resolve in approximately 10 days, however some concussions can cause long term complicated symptoms. Our Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ will help you feel better, faster.

man with post concussion syndrome

Post Concussion Treatment in Victoria and Burnaby, BC

Our wellness clinic, located on McKenzie Ave in Victoria BC, and Henning Dr. in Burnaby,  offers post concussion syndrome treatment to help you be cleared for Return To Work or Return To Play by your physician.

Concussion symptoms are varied from person to person. If you have been hit during play, or have knocked your head during a slip or fall, be sure to seek medical attention. Our athletic therapist is an approved ICBC provider and provides assessments and treatments at the Burnaby location.

sports injury

Sports & Injury Rehabilitation Services

We offer Osteopathy, Athletic Therapy, Bowen Therapy and NeuroKinetic Therapy for acute and chronic injury rehabilitation. Treatment addresses the root cause, not just symptoms.

Treatment is gentle, safe and effective and is suitable for children and adults of all ages.

All modalities that we use are effective not just for sports related injury but any soft tissue sprain or injury.

"I got my concussion from a crosscheck in a hockey game. I had concussion symptoms for three weeks prior to treatment. Some of my symptoms were pressure on the back of my eyes, headaches, dizziness, tunnel vision, fogginess in the head, light intolerance, and difficulties sleeping. Directly after my treatment, the pressure in my eyes was gone and the majority of my symptoms were gone in 48 hours. Before my second session I had a slight headache and eye pressure. after that session those symptoms were gone and they have not returned since. I would highly recommend this treatment for any athletes with a concussion or thinking they might have one. "

-Nick, age 17

Feel better faster.

Schedule your appointment online today.