Post Concussion Syndrome

Typically when it comes to concussions if the symptoms continue past the 10th day (most concussions will resolve on their own in 7-10 days) then it would be considered post concussion syndrome. However, if you think about it, post concussion syndrome quite literally means – after concussion. That includes any time frame after the injury! …

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Open clinic for King Devick baseline concussion testing

One of my biggest passions is providing affordable, safe and effective health care to everyone. Especially to our young athletes and non athletes alike. One of the things I find many parents are concerned about is the not knowing if the physical symptoms are concussion related or something else entirely. As a parent of now…

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Event – Concussion Health Seminar

Concussion Health Seminar Jenna will help you understand what happens during a concussion, the signs and symptoms of a concussion and post-concussion syndrome, as well as what to do in the event of a head injury. You will also learn about return-to-work/school/play protocols, assessment tools, and current research in diagnosis, treatment and return to play.…

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The Dangers of Brain Injury in Youth Sports

As the number of reported cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) increases in professional sports, so too does awareness of concussions at the college and amateur levels. The NFL now takes helmet to helmet contact as a serious offense after coming under intense scrutiny for allowing players to reenter the game after sustaining brain jarring…

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Advancements in Return to Play

  When it comes to concussions there has been incredible advancement regarding management and diagnosis. Not long before I started in my concussion treatment journey the management strategy regarding Return To Play (RTP) was vastly different than it is today. According to an article published in the journal of the American Family Physician (1999) “If…

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Why I do what I do (and love it so much).

Charting new territory is not an easy task to do. Bowen Therapy is a fairly new modality, several decades in existence but in North America only since about the mid 1990’s.  While many people have studied the healing effects, most of it has been independent studies or have been left unpublished. When it comes to…

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The importance of sticking to the Return to Play Guidelines

Bowen Therapy works exceptionally well at accelerating the resolution of concussion symptoms. So well in fact that a few athletes will rush their Return To Play stages in an effort to get back to playing as soon as they can.  This can be problematic if there are not any trainers working with a team. My…

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One concussion at a time

Tonight, as I sit here with the Seahawks and Raiders game on, I have, of course, concussions on the brain. No pun intended. I’ve always liked football. It’s floated in and out of my life over the past twenty years.  I have friends who work for teams at various levels, friends who are die hard…

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Do you hide your symptoms?

NCAA Medical Chief on Concussions: ‘There’s a Sense of Urgency’ Have you seen the above article yet?  It’s a common theme among most collision sports and at all ages and stages. Even as I watch my son playing rugby I observe how head injuries/hits etc are handled. It’s astounding to me! That being said,…

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