Testimonials For Concussion Resolution
Since 2003, we have been dedicated to helping individuals achieve effective concussion recovery. Read on as some of our clients share their inspiring experiences and journeys to better health.
"I got my concussion from a crosscheck in a hockey game. I had concussion symptoms for three weeks prior to treatment. Some of my symptoms were pressure on the back of my eyes, headaches, dizziness, tunnel vision, fogginess in the head, light intolerance, and difficulties sleeping. Directly after my treatment, the pressure in my eyes was gone and the majority of my symptoms were gone in 48 hours. Before my second session I had a slight headache and eye pressure. after that session those symptoms were gone and they have not returned since. I would highly recommend this treatment for any athletes with a concussion or thinking they might have one. "
Nick - age 17
"In early September, I experienced a concussion in my hockey game. After a week of the same symptoms, I was recommended to Jenna and the treatment of Bowen Therapy. It is a unique therapy that helps your body to relax and shut down your mind. After getting off the table for the first time (first session), it was the first time I felt normal again. Just the first session alone cut down my symptoms in half. After the second follow up session I was back to feeling completely cleared of symptoms, practised later that week, and began playing two weeks later.
If it wasn't for Jenna, I don't know how long I would have been out for. I recommend Bowen Therapy for anyone who is experiencing a concussion."
Jayme J.
The symptoms I was having prior to treatment were severe headaches, nausea, very sensitive to loud noises and sensitive to light.
I got my concussion during a hockey game and two weeks went by and I was still in the exact same position. I rested and laid low and nothing seemed to be getting better. So after 2 weeks of struggling I found Jenna and went for my first treatment.
My symptoms were still very bad 2 weeks post concussion so that’s when I decided to look for treatment and found Jenna. On my way to Victoria I had the worst headache plus my other symptoms. After my first treatment I walked out a new guy. I had absolutely no symptoms at all. Noise and light wouldn’t bother me to the least. As a couple days went by they started to come back so I went back for another session. After my second session I was back on the ice practicing with the team but no contact. Furthermore, it only took two of Jenna’s treatments to get me back to 100%. I went from the worst headache pain to being 100% within a week. MIRACLE WORKER!!
I would 1000% recommend Jenna’s services to every athlete/individual. Jenna is seriously a god sent for curing concussions. I have had some friends have concussions and old billet families and I recommend Jenna right away. For anyone that has symptoms and is in pain Jenna is the answer for getting back to normal. I couldn’t stop telling my teammates and family members how she cured me within 1 week.
I would like to say thank you Jenna for helping me get back to my normal self! I’ve had concussions previous before finding Jenna and I wish I knew about her way earlier. I still do the exercises she gave me till this day and it’s been 2 years since my last treatment and my mind has never been so clear. So thank you thank you thank you Jenna!! "
Spencer Hora, Cowichan Capitals
"After suffering two concussions within a year, I developed post-concussion syndrome (PCS) that persisted for many months. As someone who had always been involved with sports, PCS was particularly devastating. Being unable to elevate my heart rate past a certain threshold without experiencing debilitating headaches and dizziness made it near impossible to exercise lightly, let the alone participate in the level of athletic activity I was used to. The lack of treatment opportunities for PCS was very frustrating, and I had almost given up hope until I met Jenna Howe in the summer of 2007. After one session of Bowen therapy with Jenna, I noticed an improved sense of overall physical balance and measurable pain relief. I continued to see Jenna for six sessions in total, at which point the worst of my symptoms either been significantly reduced, or were gone entirely, to the point where I was able to return to athletic pursuits. Jenna provided immediate results that had been so elusive after months of searching. I would highly recommend Jenna’s services to athletes suffering from PCS and eager to return to sport, or to anyone who has suffered a head injury."
Sincerely, Jesse W. Lipman
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"My name is Chris Ramsami and I'm 45yrs old and at the time I suffered my concussion I played basketball 4 times per week, volleyball twice a week, indoor soccer once a week and also did cross fit 3-4 times a week when I could fit it in while raising 4 kids with my wife Brenda. My doctor made appointment with a neurologist and was told to rest as it would work itself out. Returned to work in about 3 months and still felt uneasy, confused, headaches and the symptoms came back the same as my first day with the concussion. After seeing various specialists and seeing my doctor once a week I was told to go slow and rest but no treatment was offered to help me return full time to work or full time to my activities I was very irritable, lots of headaches, forgetful, light sensitivity, balance or vertigo, confused, moody and did not like being around people or anything that was too stimulating... After my first appointment I was shocked and surprised at how I felt. Not groggy, could think more clearly and just felt better. I booked more appointments with Jenna because I finally felt that this was going to get me back to normal. After each appointment I felt better and better and started to increase my work hours and started to go back to working out at the gym but at a slow pace until I felt less symptoms... I would recommend Jenna and her Bowen treatment for concussion 100 percent! ... My family and I can't Thank Jenna enough for all her help and patience, not only has she helped me through this injury and tough time but she has become a friend to me and my wife Brenda! Thank You so much for helping us Jenna!"
Chris Ramsami - For Chris' full story click HERE
"I had concussion symptoms for 2 years and my ongoing symptoms were: headaches, concentration issues and fatigue. I saw Jenna 4 times and my symptoms began to lesson after 2 sessions. Jenna helped with other body aches and pains as well. I would absolutely recommend Jenna to other athletes for the treatment of concussion symptoms."
Jared Sweet
"I am not sure why this method is so superior to any other treatment methods for concussion, but I have tried many, and none come close to the Bowen technique. This technique appears to be able to teach the body functions to work effortlessly with each other after its trauma.
It improves both the brain and body functioning, as it is both calming and rejuvenating. Somehow it helps sleep patterns stabilize, yet also provides mental clarity and improves energy to help the body to achieve maximize function.
Not only have I benefited from the practice, but have witnessed its effectiveness in others who suffered a concussion. And Jenna Howe has proven to be a wonderful practitioner of this technique."
Lani R, RN
"I had sustained a head injury (approximately 10 months prior to receiving Bowen Therapy) leaving me with typical concussion symptoms (headache, vertigo, nausea, loss of concentration, etc), chronic pain in my shoulders, upper back, neck and head. I was only able to perform my job duties for no more than 2-hour time intervals. Lying down and sitting were almost unbearable. I had tried chiropractic care (3-months), physiotherapy (6-months), cranial-sacral therapy (3 sessions), and massage therapy (3-months). I had gone to one Bowen session on the weekend and then returned to my physiotherapy session on the Tuesday. My physiotherapist could not believe the difference. After almost 6 months of physiotherapy the only progress I had was increasing the amount of time I could be in a traction movement. After just one session of Bowen I was able to regain movement in my neck. After six sessions the pain in my shoulders began to subside, I was able to sit at a desk for longer periods, concentration increased and I had my first full night’s sleep in many months. At this point I had given up all hope and had resided to the fact that I would live the rest of my life in constant pain and would never being able to concentrate for long periods of time. I now have low grade pain that only sometimes comes to a moderate level with long-term excursion. My concentration levels have returned and I am able to function fully at my job. It has taken some extra work such as weight lifting and yoga to regain muscle loss and flexibility I had before the accident, but I feel that I would have never reached this level of health again without the use of Bowen and Jenna's patience and care."
Tanya P.
"I suffered Grade 2 concussion, resulting from an accident. I experienced extreme nausea, fatigue, headache, confusion (times, dates, etc.), and loss of co - ordination. These symptoms lasted for several days after the accident. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to receive Bowen Technique treatment. After a single 30 minute session I felt nausea, dizziness, and headache symptoms disappear. Three hours after the session my co-ordination was back to normal and the following day I felt my energy level increase to the maximum. I am extremely thankful to find out about Bowen Technique as it helped me to resume my normal activities right away. I strongly recommend Bowen Technique as it has proven itself as complete success to me."
Katerina Pestikova
".... In March of this year, I suffered my second concussion, which aggravated symptoms from my first concussion. Jenna offered to try The Bowen Technique to ease my discomfort. My first concussion in 1998 was a closed head injury with some permanent deficits. Since then I have had short term and long term memory loss, constant headaches, loss of balance, difficulty tracking, restricted movement of my head to the far right and pain at the base of my skull. My second concussion caused increased pressure in my head with increased headaches, worsened my balance and nausea. After my first treatment with Jenna using the Bowen Technique, the pressure in my head was relieved resulting in the nausea disappearing. The second treatment my headaches were less, my balance better, my body was aligned again. I could turn my head fully to the right. Jenna was very gentle in her technique. I have recommended her to everyone who has asked me how I have been feeling."
Linda Lake
"After a head injury, I had difficulty concentrating because of constant headaches and tension in my body. A friend of mine recommended me to see Jenna and after about 4 months of seeing her weekly, my headaches and tension subsided, I can concentrate at work again. After that, I continued to receive Bowen treatments with Jenna every month, but not as a therapy, instead as a monthly treat for myself because it is so relaxing. Of all my favorite things I treat myself, Bowen treatment with Jenna is on top of the list!"
Apollo Tang, director of Opus 6 web development
"While competing in varsity cheerleading I was involved in an accident in which I sustained a concussion. My symptoms were: headaches, dizziness, and light sensitivity. I also couldn't move my arm above my shoulders or move my neck side to side. I told Jenna Howe about my symptoms and she suggested that Bowen could help and so I thought I would give it a try. Jenna did one Bowen session on my head and neck and I felt so good afterwards. I was able to move my neck from side to side and also was able to move my arm above my shoulders that same night. It was amazing. Over the next couple of days I didn't notice my head hurting or the dizziness that I experienced before the treatment. The Bowen treatment was an excellent choice to do and helped me out a lot."
Kelly Wesa
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More results from those who sought us our for concussion recovery options - Printed with permission from other Bowen Therapists:
"I suffered 3 concussions in one year. 3 days after my most recent concussion, I was treated. My remaining symptoms were gone 1 hour after, at which time I was completely recovered. The treatment was amazing."
- * Zac Sweet
" It was an immediate remedy to concussion. I came into session with a foggy, cloudy head and left with a clear one."
- * Duane Sherry
" I sustained 2 concussions in three weeks late in the season. 36 hours after one session, all my symptoms were gone."
- * Dave Delgado
"So, my new Bowen client of last week came in for his second treatment today. After the first treatment, 100% of his concussion symptoms were gone. For over a week he had been having 15+ very painful headaches per day, lasting anywhere from 30 sec to 30 min. Gone. As a bonus, his knee problem (which he hadn't disclosed during our intake) has also completely resolved. I don't know of any therapy which can match the success that Bowen has on concussions." M.Beacon
The woman below contacted me from San Diego, I helped her to get in contact with a Bowen Therapist in her area and this is the response she had!
"Hi Jenna, Just to keep you updated... Jordan is finally back on track. After 3 Bowen sessions and 35 days post-concussion she is finally back to her old self. I am a true believer that the Bowen Therapy sped the healing tremendously. Thank you again for all your help!!"Sincerely, Michelle R.
*Reprinted with permisson from Craig Mattimoe, neuromuscular therapist
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