Case Series Research Project


Victoria, BC: Announcing a research project developed to explore the use of Bowen Therapy in the treatment of concussion symptoms. With locations in both Victoria and Vancouver we are looking for concussed male participants aged 14-30yrs to participate in assessment and treatment of their concussion symptoms.  All participants welcome including younger athletes, older athletes and female athletes as this information can (with permission) be stored and used at a later date for other research projects.  Individuals from all sports and levels are encouraged.

Current research regarding treatment mandates there must be full rest from all physical, cognitive and mental exertion. This requires the athlete to refrain from practice, academics, and all screen time until symptoms resolve.  Rest and wait along with the use of Bowen Therapy (non invasive and requires no physical or mental exertion) has shown to consistently and dramatically reduce recovery time with documented recovery rates of 90% resolution of all documented symptoms in less than 72 hours.  Concussion symptoms include (but not limited to): headache, nausea, dizziness, loss of coordination, irritability, light and noise intolerance, sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties. Please be aware that concussions can be an evolving injury and symptoms can surface hours to days post incident.

This research project has been completed. Thank you to all those who participated.