Case Study – 14 Months Post Concussion Syndrome
Case Study: Post Concussion Syndrome (14 Months) examines the journey of a 45-year-old patient who struggled with debilitating symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and concentration difficulties, impacting work and family life. Through an advanced Bowen therapy concussion recovery protocol, this case study highlights a transformative path toward symptom relief and restored quality of life.
Chief Complaint
Patient, Age 45
- not able to work full time, or spend time with family
- headaches
- dizziness
- fogginess
- concentration difficulties
- Sleep issues
- fatigue
- neck tension
- nausea
- loud noise and light intolerance
Previous Treatments
- black room therapy
- neurologist
- endocrinologist
- psychologist
Treatment with Concussion Resolution
Advanced level Bowen therapy concussion recovery protocol to promote cellular healing and effectively restore function and quality of life.
Case Study: Post Concussion Syndrome Results
1st Session: Patient reports relief after 1st session: less headaches, less fatigue, concentration a bit better
2nd session: See above, plus feeling more clear, alert, felt more more normal "like myself".
3rd session: See above plus able to socialize more with friends and family
10th session: Patient is almost completely symptom free 24/7. Back to work full time, back to the gym, back to family time.
Maintenance Plan
Treatment as needed related to stress and tension.
Are You Suffering From Post Concussion Symptoms?
Whether you were just concussed, or if you have tried other treatments to no avail, help is here.
Jenna Howe offers a highly specialized multimodal treatment for concussion symptoms, based in Bowen Therapy, NeuroKinetic Therapy, Osteopathy, Yoga Therapy, Nutrition and cellular healing as effective treatment for post concussion symptoms to quickly and effectively restore function and quality of life.
Located in Victoria BC, Jenna welcomes you to her clinic for your assessment and personalized treatment plan. For those on the lower mainland, we now have a second location in Burnaby, BC.
Feel better faster.
Schedule your appointment online today.