Post Concussion Treatment & Assessment
Concussion Resolution, located in Victoria BC, offers Post Concussion Treatment using the Concussion Recovery Protocol (CRP) ™.
Our clinic offers safe, effective concussion treatment and physical assessment for:
- Sport related concussions
- Non sport related concussions
- Acute and chronic cases of Post-concussion Syndrome
Concussion Recovery Protocol ™
The Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ is a multimodal system rooted in Bowen Therapy, developed by Craig Mattimoe, and uses advanced techniques to address various area affected by head trauma including but not limited to; the visual system, neuromuscular dysfunction, blood flow and circulation, lymphatics, and structural imbalances.
The Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ consistently accelerates the healing time by safely and gently reducing symptoms. Once symptoms are eliminated you may then begin your Return to Work or Return to Play graded protocol as set out by your primary care physician or trainer.
With chronic post concussion syndrome that has been lasting weeks or months the Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ is the basis of the treatment plan along with the use of gentle exercise rehabilitation, nutrition, exercise guidance and other modalities/professional referrals as needed.
The treatment plan will include but is not limited to: reducing head and neck pain, addressing visual discomfort, any other compensation patterns. Balance, core, vestibular and neck strength are a key component for long term health.
The Concussion Recovery Protocol ™ will get you feeling better, faster.

Concussion Symptoms Can Be Difficult To Recognize
Feeling foggy * headaches * neck pain * pressure in the head * fatigue *don’t feel like yourself * mood and behaviour changes * eye pain and discomfort * lack of focus and attention * sleep issues * changes in appetite *hormonal changes * irritable * feeling slow *sensitive to light and sound * reduced physical endurance * low exercise intolerance
You aren't alone. Many people have suffered with a concussion, just like you and felt better after a proper concussion assessment and treatment with Jenna Howe.
Feel better faster. Contact us today.
"I got my concussion from a crosscheck in a hockey game. I had concussion symptoms for three weeks prior to treatment. Some of my symptoms were pressure on the back of my eyes, headaches, dizziness, tunnel vision, fogginess in the head, light intolerance, and difficulties sleeping. Directly after my treatment, the pressure in my eyes was gone and the majority of my symptoms were gone in 48 hours. Before my second session I had a slight headache and eye pressure. after that session those symptoms were gone and they have not returned since. I would highly recommend this treatment for any athletes with a concussion or thinking they might have one. "
-Nick, age 17
Sport Concussion Treatment
Get a proper assessment and effective concussion treatment. Return to work and play when safe.
Chronic Concussion Treatment
Protect your long term health. Avoid play and harmful activities during a concussion.
Online Concussion Recovery
Get online concussion recovery treatment and support. You are not alone.
Feel better faster.
Schedule your appointment online today.